September 30, 2008

Increase Sperm Count By Natural Herbs

Sex is the requirement of any living organism to make his species grow. It is one of the basic instincts of human being.
Every individual wants his or her progeny to be superior to other. It all depends upon the genes what you transfer to your descendents. It is very often seen that people who are very intelligent or successful in their lives, do not surely have their children matching their capabilities or children of normal parents turn out to be a genius. The quality of sperms you transfer to your progeny makes them achieve what they do.

You can help your progeny to achieve better life by contributing the best quality of sperms to them that are the blue print of what your progeny will be.

Your contribution is of very important, as all the traits your progeny carries are your image. Health of your progeny depends upon the genes it possesses which have been transferred by you. If you transfer your diseased genes to your progeny, your progeny will be dull and might suffer from many congenital diseases. More over the intelligence level also depends upon the chromosomal structure what an individual possess. Hence we can surely say that genes of Newton or Einstein were far more superior to what their parents had. So what our children achieve in their lives are somehow likened to us.

The worlds most ancient medicinal therapy system i.e. ayurveda, strictly mentions in its texts that sperm quality should be increased to achieve a better and superior progeny. But now the question arises that what should be done to increase the quality of sperms?

Ayurveda has answer to this problem. Ayurveda has mentioned certain measures by which quality and quantity of sperms can be increased. Certain herbs are also mentioned by which this can be achieved.

Charak samhita, one of the most famous ancient medicinal texts have dedicated whole chapter regarding increasing quality and quantity of the sperms. It has mentioned certain methods i.e. lifestyle and supplements by which sperms of great quality can be generated.

Following are the properties of the herbs that are considered best for producing good quality and amount of sperms. In ayurveda these herbs are called as bajikaran dravya (sperm quality and quantity increasing herb)

· Madhur (sweet)
· Snigdh (unctuousness)
· Brihan (growth promoter)
· Guru (heavy)

Properties of good sperms as mentioned in Ayurveda

· Bahal (thick)
· Madhur (sweet)
· Snigdh (unctuousness)
· Guru (heavy)
· Picchill (slimy)
· Shukl (white) in colour
· Smell less

Reason for decreased quality of sperms

· Older age
· Stress
· Disease like vericoceole, diabetes etc.
· Doing more physical and mental activities
· Obesity
· Over indulgence in sexual activities and masturbation
· Consumption of drug and alcohol
· Usage of steroids
· Smoking
· Wearing of tight underwear which put extra pressure on testicles
· Using of excess of hot water during bathing
· Excess exposure to heat
· Exposure to radiations especially greater than 60 radians
· Consumption of unhealthy and non nutritious food
· Lack of proper rest and sleep
· Usage of medicines like anti depressant pills etc.

Methods of increasing sperm quality and count

· Decrease the frequency of sexual activities to twice or thrice a week.
· Stop in take of non nutritious food and artificial diet supplements
· Masturbate less
· Quit smoking
· Stop alcohol and drugs consumption
· Exercise regularly
· Do yogic and medicational exercises regularly
· Avoid stressful work
· Try to take rest in between long hours of work
· Sleep at least for 6- 8 hours continuously
· Avoid wearing tight undergarments and clothing
· Avoid direct exposure to heat and other radiations

Besides adapting above said methods, ayurveda has also mentioned some herbal remedies that are very beneficial in promoting quality and quantity of sperm. These are bajikaran dravya (herbs that provide strength, vigor and vitality just like a horse)


A powerful sexual tonic specially designed and processed to enhance the ability and to endure sexual drive much longer than the normal. It is a wonderful herb used since ages to improve sperm quality. Ancient herbal doctors to make progeny of king the best amongst the other rulers have used Shilajit since ages, to promote sperm quality. Even sperm count can also be increased by use of shilajit. Shilajit also provides that extra endurance and power to sustain longer and last more than an average man do. So shilajit make a male, a MAN. Its properties help it to become an antiaging agent that helps you to stay young and enjoy the energies, which a youth possess for longer period of your life.


A well-known herbal remedy to promote production of best quality sperm that has been used since time immemorial by our ancient scientist cum physicians. Ashwagandha possess properties that help in increasing quality of sperm and also increases the sperm count. Ashwagandha is a sexual ability promotor that helps in increasing endurance and long lasting capabilities. Its unique constituent helps it to suppress vata-dominated diseases therefore widely used as painkiller and health supplement.

Kohinoor gold

A great formulation specially designed to satisfy men's basic instinct and help him to generate new and good progeny that helps in carrying out his generation as a superior amongst all the companions. An herbal remedy to increase the quantity of sperm and also the quality of sperm that makes it more viable in producing superior kind of progeny. Its unique blend of powerful herbs helps it to provide that extra amount of endurance and energy that a man always had wished for. Its constituent's herbs are winter cherry, cowhage, shatavari, Spanish pellitory, black musale, henbane, black bitumen, and saffron. All these herbs a famous for there energy enhancer and sexual ability promoter properties. These herbs are extremely used in ayurveda to provide strength and increase vitality of body and also promoting mental stabilility.

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New Throat Cancer Treatment

Throat cancer is one of the cancers which occur in the throat. This is disease is found with different names like vocal cord cancer, throat cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the glottis. This is the cancer which is found in both men and women.

The throat cancer is the cancer which appears in the upper part of the throat. It is the cancer which appears in the throat that is vocal cords, voice box (larynx), or other areas of the throat. This cancer spreads not only occurs in the other parts of the throat also. This is cancer which can occur in both men and women. This cancer involves the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that have mutated from normal tissues. This growth can kill when these cells prevent normal function of vital organs or spread throughout the body, damaging essentials systems.
For more information meet: dr jack
This throat cancer has some alternate names like vocal cord cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the glottis, cancer of the pharynx, vocal cord cancer and others. This cancer as it occurs to the throat and the parts related to it so it is named after it. This cancer also occurs when the normal cells undergo a transformation whereby they grow and multiply without normal controls. This cancer involves tumors on the tonsils, vocal cords, voice box (larynx) and at the base of the tongue.
The main cause for the exposure for this cancer is the consumption of the tobacco that plays a significant role in many of the cases. The causes for this cancer are the heavy smoking of cigarettes, chewing tobacco, excessive use of alcohol is also one of the causes for its occurrence. But if the man is addicted to both smoking and consuming alcohol then he is at higher risk of getting the disease. But this is more occurred in men than women. This disease can occur to any age but mainly occurs to the age group who is above 45 of age. This can be controlled with herbal products Some of the other factors for the occurrence of this cancer are the enlargement of the thyroid gland called chronic goiter. This cause may be due to the radiation exposure and the family history of cancer or the genetic predisposition.

The symptoms of the hoarseness, sore throat, neck pain, difficulty in swallowing, swelling in the neck, unintentional weight loss, cough, coughing up blood, abnormal breathing sounds, numbness or the paralyses of the muscles in the face, swelling of the jaw, shortness of breath, chest pain and many other reasons also. This cancer also has some of the common symptoms like fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, malaise.
The above symptoms are not to be considered as a serious one as these may also be the causes for some of the common health upsets also. But if the person is adult then he has to undergo a medical checkup and have a take care of his health.
The signs and tests can be done when an examination of the neck and the throat may show the cancer of the throat. The symptom may appear bloody or lump on the throat which appears on the outside of the neck. Biopsy and the analysis of tissues that appear abnormal may conform the presence of the cancer tumor.
If you experience any of the above throat cancer symptoms it is advised that you see your healthcare provider for a more thorough check so the proper diagnose and treatment can be apply in the initial stage.
the best way of preventing this cancer is to quit smoking and preventing the consumption of tobacco. Many cancers can be prevented by avoiding risk factors such as excessive exposure to sunlight and heavy drinking. We should cultivate a habit of taking healthy diet that is the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. Keeping the health fit by doing the exercises, meditation, yogasanas, cultivation of morning jog or walk, having the nutritious food in the diet, protecting ourselves from bad atmosphere may make us to be free from the diseases also.
Some people at high risk for developing certain cancers can take medication to reduce their risk. But yet the treatment must be aimed at destruction of the cancer and prevention of its spread to other parts of the body. The treatment of the cancer depends on certain issues like the age of the patient, general health condition, the size of the tumor, extent of the cancer and others.
This is the cancer which may be found at its advanced stage. So it is an urge need that the patient should be careful while choosing the correct physician for his treatment. This treatment is aimed at destruction of the cancer and prevention of spread of the cancer to the other parts of the body. The earlier it is diagnosed the earlier it is treated.
Treatment is aimed at destruction of the cancer and prevention of spread of the cancer to other parts of the body. The earlier throat cancer is diagnosed, the better the prospect of recovery. If the treatment is not given then it can grow and can cause to death. So it is better to get treated at its initial stage. The treatment needs long term recovery but if have a hope of conquering it then you can have it. You should be mentally firmed and be prepared to achieve in curing it.
The people who come to our center have a hope of curing the disease and becoming healthy. We support you with this attitude of yours as we use the alternative supplements which are natural and cure the disease with no side effects with miraculous improvements in your health condition. We make you feel ease and get away from your suffer.

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September 29, 2008

Pros and Cons of School Uniforms

We have worked with schools across the United States, and believe us, you are not the only person asking this question! The answers that we have heard from our customers are as varied as our customers are. The debate over school uniforms is complicated, so we've included highlights from both sides for you to consider:


Some say that a child in a school uniform is more likely to take school seriously. Putting on the school uniform signals he or she is going to school just like dad dresses up to go to work. Schools report that when students dress in "work clothes" rather than "play clothes" they take a more serious approach to their studies.

Promotes Good Discipline:

Many think that school uniforms help maintain school discipline, decreasing the amount of discipline problems. The argument is that children today are lacking in self-discipline because parents refuse to discipline them. This makes it more difficult on the teacher who has to deal with classes of 25-30 students at a time.

Reduces Fighting and Violence:

Schools report that school uniforms decrease fighting and violence that arrise out of arguments over fashionable clothes. Children invariably tease those who do not have trendy clothes. Those who can't afford name brand clothes are often sensitive about their clothing. Schools struggling with gang problems report that school uniforms help ease tensions.


Many parents believe that students wearing school uniforms look nicer and that a school uniform policy ensures that children will come to school in appropriate clothing, avoiding distractions such as fads considered to be outlandish or overly revealing. Some students have turned school into an unending fashion show. This disctracts from learning, as some kids spend more time focused on thier clothes than on homework.


School uniforms stress that individuality and self-expression are not determined by designer clothing or the latest fashion fad.

Low Cost:

School uniforms are a bargain. They are becoming far less expensive than many other clothes. Schools argue that school uniforms are economical, especially compared to designer clothing, and parents agree given school uniform durability. They say school uniforms last longer because they are made for repeated wash and wear. Many schools capitalize on this by starting used school uniform stores or swap meets. Parents can get used school uniforms at discount prices, or just use them as hand-me-downs between siblings.

School Spirit:

Some feel wearing a school uniform helps build school spirit. It instills a feeling of belonging. As the Beach Boys said, "Be true to your school." Schools report an increase in school pride.


Supressing individuality is the most commonly cited objection to school uniforms. Educators argue that an academic program encouraging students to pursue individual thought is much more important than what they wear. They inhibit creativity and self-expression, forcing students to conform.

Causes Discipline Problems:

Some students reject any rules. Forcing them to wear school uniforms only aggravates their rebelious spirit. They alter their school uniform by tightening, widening, shortening, or lengthening them, and teachers are given the impossible task of policing the students on a daily basis.

Little or No Relationship to Academics:

Opponents insist that their is no credible evidence that school uniforms improve school discipline or promote higher academic acheivement. The principal argument is that some great students are terrible dressers. Dress does not necessarily improve learning.

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How To Effectively Reduce Belly Fat

Jelly Belly. Love Handles. Dunlap Disease. Whatever you want to call it, the excess fat around your midsection that wiggles and jiggles in all the wrong places just isn't pretty. Not only is belly fat unattractive, it can be downright dangerous to your health. Extra fat carried around your abdomen can increase your risk of heart disease. With so many pills, potions and programs flooding the weight loss industry today, many people are left feeling just plain confused about how to effectively reduce belly fat.

The first thing you must know about how to effectively reduce belly fat is that there is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. Reducing body fat levels requires a three pronged approach that doesn't come from popping diet pills or gulping down foul tasting drinks. Belly fat also won't come off by trying to spot reduce only doing sit-ups or crunches. It's just not possible to spot reduce, so don't waste your time.

So, the question remains, how do you effectively reduce belly fat? Here is a safe, practical three pronged approach to get rid of belly fat.

1. Healthy Meals. Notice the word diet isn't part of the equation. That's because the word diet conjures up visions of carrots and celery and not much else. The word diet gives us nightmares of deprivation and hunger, and that's not the image we're looking for with permanent weight loss. Just because the word diet isn't used does not mean you're free to gorge on junk food at will. Healthy meals consist of lean protein, lots of vegetables, whole grains and some fruit. Your should consistantly choose foods that are as close as possible to their natural state.

2. Cardiovascular Exercise. Regular cardiovascular exercise will reduce body fat levels. Where should you start? Wallking is great cardio! Put your shoes on and get moving for at least 30 minutes per day. It doesn't matter how fast or how far you walk in the beginning, the most important point is that you're moving your body aerobically on a regular basis. If you don't enjoy walking then ride a bike, rollerskate, jog, run. Participate in whatever aerobic activity you enjoy.

3. Lift Weights. Yes, you did read that correctly! If you're wondering what lifting weights has to do with effectively reducing belly fat, then read on. Regular weight lifting has several beneficial effects for those folks trying to reduce their body fat levels. Muscles burn extra calories. The more muscle you carry on your frame, the more calories you burn in a 24 hour period which translates into extra fat burning power. Muscles take up about one third less space than fat. Muscles give you the power to carry on your daily activities more effectively and with energy to spare.

Learning how to effectively reduce belly fat isn't a difficult task. The three principle keys to getting rid of your gut rely on diet, cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting on a regular basis. Remember, you didn't sprout belly fat overnight and you can't get rid of belly fat in a day, but you can reduce belly fat if you're willing to put forth a bit of

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September 28, 2008

Custom Bereavement Cards, Sympathy Thank You Cards & Condolence Funeral Cards

Personalized Bereavement & Sympathy Thank You Cards Different cultures have different ways of dealing with death. When it comes time to mourn the loss of a loved one, what will matter the most to you is the support you receive from those around you. There is almost nothing that can prepare you for someone's death, but regardless of the form or amount of sympathy that another expresses to you over a death or a loss, most experts agree that it is socially important for individuals, groups, and even communities to be able to express sympathy to you over a loss.
Individuals may attend a funeral so that they can express to you and your immediate relatives just how sorry they feel for the loss you and your family are experiencing. In some cases, they might express sorrow or condolence through simple gestures such as a hug or a handshake. They may volunteer to speak or say a few words about the person who has passed. Whatever the gesture, expressions of sorrow and condolence will undoubtedly mean a great deal to you.
During an event such as a death, it may be entirely appropriate for you to express your gratitude to your guests through the use of bereavement & sympathy thank you cards. A bereavement & sympathy card can serve as a way for you to express gratitude for receiving cards from another person. Bereavement & sympathy cards can provide you with the chance to let someone know that you appreciate the sentiments they expressed to you. Expressing thanks at a funeral may not be an easy thing to do, but with Sympathy Condolence Cards, expressing yourself during this difficult time is at least a little easier.
Some people would consider a card to be an impersonal way of expressing thanks. It is entirely possible that some people might not even think to send out thank you cards after a funeral. As a result, it is important to find a good source of Printed Bereavement Cards & Sympathy Thank You Cards so that you can follow up with the individuals who supported you and your family during your time of need.
Online card companies understand how difficult it can be to deal with a loss, especially that of a close loved one, and they are ready to help you choose a card that best expresses how you feel, even going as far as helping you with wording ideas and images to include. With the ability to personalize and instantly preview your design, an online shop is the perfect place to turn to during one of the most difficult times in your life. Death can be a difficult event for everyone, but expressing your appreciation to your friends and relatives for their kind words, help, and support does not have to be.
Let experienced customer service representatives help you find the right bereavement & sympathy thank you card to help you express your thanks to the people who supported you through this difficult time.

Air Conditioning Calculator Helps Determine Unit Size

If you have even a passing interest in the topic of air conditioning calculator, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of air conditioning calculator.
Most of this information comes straight from the air conditioning calculator pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.
One of the biggest questions people have when deciding to buy an air conditioner is what size they need. There are different ways to figure this out based on room size and anticipated outside temperatures, but the easiest method involves using an air conditioning calculator, and many are available as free download with you computer or available for use online.
Air conditioners, like heaters are rated in BTU�s, or British Thermal Units indicating the amount of air, in cubic feet, which will have its temperature altered by one degree in one hour. For example, a 10,000 BTU air conditioner is supposed to be able to reduce the temperature of 10,000 cubic feet of air by one degree in one hour. An air conditioning calculator would show that a 10,000 BTU air conditioner would work in a room with between 350 to 400 square feet with good insulation, no afternoon sun exposure and no kitchen.
Figuring out the size of a needed air conditioning unit is more than just the size of the room, however as the amount and quality of the room�s insulation will play a major role in determining the need. Additionally, afternoon sun tends to be hotter than morning exposure and the presence of a kitchen will also increase potential need. With an air conditioning calculator available free online, you can include these variables and determine the correct size air conditioner for your specific use.
Larger Units Do Not Work As Hard
If using an air conditioning calculator advises that you buy a 13,000 BTU unit and they are available in 12,000 and 15,000 depending on the price difference between the two units, it is best to go with the larger of the two. The air conditioner will not have to work as hard and will be able to cool the room more efficiently. Chances are it will not run as often, saving money on the cost of electricity.
Using other calculators, available from most electric suppliers, you can also estimate the cost of operating each size unit based on monthly and annual cost. While larger units will cost more to operate, a slightly oversized air conditioner may be cheaper in the long run as it runs less. Using the air conditioning calculator can help choose the right size for your individual use. It can also be helpful to determine if one large unit or two or three smaller units would be more economical for your use.
Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about an air conditioning calculator.

September 27, 2008

How to Tell if a Guy Likes you - Five Signs He's Interested

How can you tell if a guy likes you or is interested? You noticed him when you were standing and talking with a friend. You think he noticed you, but maybe it was your imagination or just wishful thinking. He looked at you at about the same time you saw him. Your eyes met for just a few seconds, and then you looked away. When you looked back up, he was talking with some other people. Was he watching you as you mingled? Or were you making that up? How can you tell if a guy likes you? Why are guys so hard to read?

Here are five signs that he is interested in you too. If any of the following happens, he is probably trying to get close enough to ask you out:

1. He tells someone

Is he interested? He likes you if he tells a mutual friend that he wants to know more about you, or he asks other people who you are and where you're from. He is trying to act like he's "just asking" but his questions indicate more than a casual interest. And when he tells someone that he finds you attractive, he probably knows that it will get back to you. He's hoping it does.

2. The look

He gives you a look that betrays his calm exterior. Even though he is across the room, "that look" he has says it all. It is sweeping, from your head to your toes, and then his eyes linger on yours. You think you notice the beginning of a tentative smile.

3. The conversation

Does he like you? When he manages to get close enough to you, to ask you questions, he is interested. He appears to be listening and responds to what you say. He's moving in to the ultimate question, which is: "Are you seeing anyone." He would only ask this question if he wanted to date you, and he hopes the answer is "No." Never ever wear a ring in public. When a guy is across the room, he cannot tell which finger it is on and he may assume incorrectly that you are taken. If he doesn't ask you the question of whether or not you are attached, he may ask someone whom you both know.

4. He appears unexpectedly

He likes you a lot if he shows up out of nowhere. He can only do that if he has been asking people about your schedule, or he has been paying attention to where you are going and at what time. His face may turn red when he sees you. A sudden, "Oh, hi," is his way of saying, "I don't want to seem obvious, but I am interested in you." If you feel the same way, do not act shy. Stop and talk to him.

5. EVERYONE likes you

Is he interested? When you are well liked and a happy person, why wouldn't he like you? Of course he does. If you don't have a great life, however, now is your time to start working on one. Take a look at your career possibilities, body image, future, plans, and resources. You may be naturally talented at something, but it won't matter unless you work on your strengths. Misused or unused talents fade away. School and training do not.

These are the five signs that he is interested and he is on the verge of asking you out. Make it easy for him and be friendly. This is where relationships begin.

Do you want to know more secrets about how to attract men? Do you know how to dress, what to say, what to do, and the body language to use when you go out? Do you know the 5 steps to take to meet any guy anywhere? Read on to discover all the secrets to having all the dates you want in How To Attract Men: Secrets Every Woman Should Know

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Tips How to View Private Myspace Profiles

We all notice that if you are a MySpace user, you've come across some profiles that you're dying taboo to view but only to catch out that they're set to private. You realize that the simply way to view their profile is to add them as a friend and hope they accept. Unfortunately, nearly of the time they don't know you and they wont accept your friend request. However, I can show you how to view private profiles on MySpace.

I know personally, I've stumbled upon a profile of someone I thought I recognized. All I need to do is look into some more pictures on their profile to be sure. But when I try to view their MySpace profile, I find it's set to private. Now I see the only way I can view their pictures is to send a friend request to them. But we all know that this can be tiresome and most of the time not work at all. If their profile is set to private, they'll most potentially not add you as a friend.

Private profiles is a great feature on MySpace, however they can be a real annoying when it comes to finding friends that you haven't seen in a long time, or becoming friends with someone that you think look cool.

Fortunately, I came across a site recently in some dark corner of the internet. On this site, you can enter the MySpace user ID and it will return with every picture that user uploaded on their profile, without having to send a friend request or gain access to their private MySpace profile. This is the greatest tool i've found in a long time. Now for all of that have wondered, here is a new way to view Private MySpace profiles. There, you'll find how to view private MySpace profiles.

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September 25, 2008

Sierra Leone Re: Why Sierra Leone Needs a Reinsurance Company Now

The Insurance Institute of America defines risk as the uncertainty about the occurrence of a loss. Catastrophe risks though infrequent, often pose a severe loss exposure, that usually threatens the solvency of not only insurance companies but the socio-economic development and stability of developing countries like Sierra Leone.
There has been an egregious lack of strategy, vision, capacity and expertise in dealing with catastrophe risks to which the country is exposed. Risks ranging from strategic to operational, speculative and pure abound throughout the country’s socio-economic, financial and governance infrastructure. Yet despite the old adage that necessity is the mother of invention, the failure in addressing these opportunities with vision and new institutions remains a cause of concern and an impediment to growth.
One sure step in remedying this situation is the establishment of an indigenous private enterprise reinsurance company, Sierra Leone Re, that ensures diversification and the spread of risks both nationally and internationally.
I have placed especial emphasis on the indigenous nature of the proposed reinsurance company, as the current actors and drivers poised to take over such an endeavor are foreign African based participants, whose sole purpose is transfer of premiums and foreign exchange to their respective countries economies. This has been the pattern employed by prior European and Asian insurance carriers over the decades.
The failure of both the insurance industry and economic policymakers in Sierra Leone to establish and or attract a complimentary reinsurance company more than thirty years after the establishment of the National Insurance Company (NIC) continues to negatively impact economic activity and growth in that country.
As one of the first territories in West Africa during the British colonial era where insurance was introduced, Sierra Leone stood to emerge as a financial services center, with its institutions of higher learning dating over two centuries, providing the requisite technical expertise and manpower for the West African sub-region. However, since independence only stagnation and lack of innovation has and continues to characterize its financial services sector.
Globalization and international trade is mainly facilitated through the provision of adequate insurance, which through adequate reinsurance protection, ensures the equitable spread of risks. This principle of risk spreading enshrined in insurance ensures the avoidance of the probability of a single catastrophe loss impacting all or a large proportion of an insurance company’s entire book of business.
Reinsurance is defined as the transfer of insurance risk from one insurer to another, through a contractual agreement under which the ceding or primary insurer is indemnified by the reinsurer for some or all of the financial effects of loss exposures, covered by the primary insurer’s policies in the event of a loss. Thus, in common parlance reinsurance is often referred to as the insurance for insurance companies.
Through a reinsurance agreement, an insurance company is able to increase it’s large line capacity and thus underwrite large loss exposures that it otherwise would be unable to underwrite and or provide adequate coverage.
It also provides insurance companies with catastrophe protection, stabilization of loss experience and underwriting guidance and expertise.
Generally there are two types of reinsurance arrangements- a facultative reinsurance and treaty reinsurance, which can be written on either a pro-rata or excess of loss basis.

Domestic reinsurance companies have emerged as recent additions to the insurance industry in Africa mostly since the 1970’s, when governments the continent over were urged to diversify and establish financial institutions independent of international insurance conglomerates.
Many of these reinsurance companies were created and managed by governments through wholey owned parastatals and provided with compulsory cessions of outgoing reinsurance and legal rights to participate in the country’s direct businesses. In the 1990’s the impact of political, economic reforms ushered in the early stages of privatization, liberalization and globalization and with the advent of World Trade Organization (WTO) liberalization rules many more countries and markets are poised to face critical problems of privatization and competition.
In the case of Sierra Leone, the establishment by government of the National Insurance Company (NIC) in 1973, with its Reinsurance Department, was designed to pave the way for emergence of an indigenous reinsurance carrier.
Mandatory and compulsory cessions were required from all insurance companies based on percentages of reinsurance placements and a workforce of trained reinsurance specialists emerged. Subsequent management lapses at the NIC however resulted in the closing of the reinsurance department in the early 1990’s without accomplishing the goal of creating a professional reinsurance company.

The absence of an indigenous or Sierra Leone-based reinsurance company means that an aggregate of over fifty percent of premiums collected in the country’s insurance market have over the past several decades been paid out to foreign reinsurers, most of whom are within the same West African geographic region.
With an economy consistently rated at the world’s bottom, the repatriation of millions of dollars as reinsurance premiums is untenable for sustained economic development. With most of these premiums remaining in the local market, capital can be induced into rebuilding and creating much needed jobs in the economy.
Large capital projects cannot be insured within the country as the adequacy of capacity to absorb such ventures insurances are clearly outside the Sierra Leone insurance companies capacities to absorb the inherent risks.
Aside from operating insurance companies within the country, foreign African reinsurers from Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana have for decades maintained a stranglehold on the reinsurance market in Sierra Leone. Reinsurers such as Africa Re, Nigeria Re and Ghana Re have and continue to be dominant players in the Sierra Leone insurance marketplace.
Since reinsurance premiums are paid in
foreign currency, the country’s scarce foreign exchange reserves continue to be sent overseas creating not only adverse GDP growth but a dearth of resources for local economic activity
As we embark on shaping a better and prosperous Sierra Leonean economy, we must be guided and mindful of the fact that as the challenges involved are not new, we must therefore think anew and act anew to put to pasture the dogmas of our past.
Specifically, the dogmas of the past as insurance and reinsurance were viewed are today deemed inadequate in addressing the aftermath of the present challenges confronting the insurance industry in Sierra Leone.
It must however be pointed out that the low risk tolerance, lack of vision and small capacity shown by the indigenous insurance community has mostly resulted in the need for outside carriers, especially from Nigeria to penetrate the Sierra Leone insurance market.
The adverse consequences of such a short-sighted and myopic adventure lays bare the country’s entire financial sector into the hands of foreigners. This trend of foreign companies establishing wholey owned banks and insurance companies has the potential of mortgaging our nation’s future to foreign institutions whose solvency our regulators are not adequately equipped in monitoring and managing.
As a final thought, I am all in favor of foreign capital through purchase of
shares or partnerships being infused into our financial services sector, what I remain opposed to however is the wholesale transfer that appears to be currently manifesting itself in the country, in which Nigerians and Ghanians seem to be having a field day at the expense of indigenous entrepreneurs and business. It is my desire and hope that this article can serve as a harbinger and wake up call to our regulators and policymakers to ensure that any emerging reinsurance company remains under the control and management of Sierra Leoneans.

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Financial and Insurance Sector in India

The financial sector in India has become stronger in terms of capital and the number of customers. It has become globally competitive and diverse aiming, at higher productivity and efficiency. Exposure to worldwide competition and deregulation in Indian financial sector has led to the emergence of better quality products and services. Reforms have changed the face of Indian banking and finance. The banking sector has improved manifolds in terms of capital adequacy, asset classification, profitability, income recognition, provisioning, exposure limits, investment fluctuation reserve, risk management, etc.
Diversifying into investment banking, insurance, credit cards, depository services, mortgage financing, securitization has increased revenues. As large number of players in various fields enters the market, competition would be intensified by mutual funds, Non Banking Finance Corporations (NBFCs), post offices, etc. from both domestic and foreign players. All this would lead to increased sophistication and technology in the sector. Corporate governance would come into the picture and other financial institutions would have to reach global standards. Also the limit for FDI in private banks is increased to 74% and the limit for FII is 49%. There are many challenges ahead for the banking sector such as technology, consumer satisfaction, corporate governance, risk management, etc. and they are redefining their priorities, which are now focused on cost reduction, product differentiation and customer centric services. Some of the major players in this sector are HDFC, ICICI, HSBC, State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Ing Vysya, ABN Amro Bank, Centurion Bank, City Bank, etc.

The insurance sector has opened up for private insurance companies with the enactment of IRDA Act, 1999. A large number of companies are competing under both life and general Insurance. The FDI cap/equity in this sector is 26% and the proposals have to be cleared by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) established to protect the interest of holder of Insurance policy and act as a regulator and facilitator in the industry. Some of the major players in this sector are LIC, Max New York Life Insurance, Bajaj Allianz, ICICI Prudential, HDFC Standard Life, Metlife Insurance, Birla Sun Life Insurance, etc. Various types of policies and instruments are coming up in the market to attract more customers. Most of the population of India is not insured, hence there is a lot of scope in this sector and a number of companies are planning to enter the sector. Every futuristic individual would want himself to get insured. Capital markets have a long history of over 100 years in India. Bombay
Stock Exchange came into existence more than a hundred years ago to remove direct government control. Indian companies are now allowed to raise capital from abroad and Foreign Institutional Investors are allowed to enter the market due to an important policy initiative in 1993. The depository and share dematerialization has enhanced the performance of the capital market reducing processing time and increasing returns. The major players are India Bulls Securities, Kotak, and many more. Many new instruments have been introduced in the market such as index futures, index options, derivatives, including futures and options. Also commodities market is gaining pace. There is a huge potential available in the market and to realize it venture capitalists are coming up with lots of finance. To make use of the human capital, technical skills, cost competitive workforce, research and entrepreneurship VCFs and VCCs are ready to invest in potential projects.
For a stronger and resilient financial system, India needs to move beyond peripheral issues and act maturely by increasing profitability and efficiency, providing better solutions to the customers.

It's good news for the insurance industry. For a sector that feeds on capital, the proposed hike in the foreign direct investment limit in insurance JVs to 49 per cent is a boon.
Foreign players, whose stake is now capped at 24 per cent, can now bring in more money; most of them would love to own a larger stake if not the whole venture.
As Stuart Purdy, managing director, Aviva Life Insurance, has indicated, Aviva Plc will up its stake in the Indian venture to 49 per cent.
The transactions will be keenly watched because, for the first time, we will have some valuation benchmarks for private-sector players. That should give investors a better idea of the opportunities in the sector, which they can play through the Indian parent.
That private life insurance players will grow at a faster pace is not in doubt. They should race ahead like their counterparts in the banking and mutual fund industry, who left their public-sector competitors far behind.
The record is impressive: in FY04, while the life insurance industry grew at 18 per cent to Rs 1,800 crore (Rs 18 billion), the share of private-sector players in the total new business premiums jumped to 13 per cent from 6 per cent in FY03.
The share of the total annualised premium equivalents of Rs 1,400 crore (Rs 14 billion) stood at 15 per cent. APEs are considered to be the most appropriate proxy for sales and, therefore, for market size and shares of life insurance companies. At the top of the heap is ICICI Prudential, which has garnered a retail market share of 36 per cent of the new business premium.
In an under-insured market like India where the premium to GDP and the penetration are abysmally low, the market is there for the taking.
Moreover, in India, life insurance products have been bought for the wrong reasons - more to save
tax rather than as a long-term savings product.
This trend is yet to show any major reversal because even in FY04, 60 per cent of the sales happened in the last quarter. With assured return policies dying out, the platform for selling products is changing as has been seen in the phenomenal popularity of linked products.
Awareness levels are higher and this is reflected to some extent in the higher ticket sizes; last year these were as high as Rs 24,000.
The league table for FY04 shows that some players forged ahead primarily on the back of unit-linked insurance policies, which accounted for around 65 per cent of the business of the private sector (for Birla Sunlife it was as high as 97 per cent).

According to Nani B Javeri, chief executive officer, Birla Sunlife Insurance, the strategy of using a ULIP platform has worked well for the company and Birla Sunlife will continue to focus on these market-linked products, which are considered to be more transparent than traditional policies.
"ULIPs are capital-efficient, that is, they use relatively less capital and deliver more or less similar margins as other products," he says. ICICI Prudential is the other player for whom linked policies contributed a high percentage - as much as 84 per cent of total business
HDFC Standard Life, which moved down the order last year possibly because it did not push ULIPs aggressively, also plans to focus on these.
According to Deepak Satwalekar, managing director and chief executive officer, HDFC Standard Life, the company chose to launch these products later than others since they are relatively sophisticated and harder for customers to understand.
"We are asking customers to make choices which they may not fully understand," he says.
However, since HDFC Standard launched ULIPs in January this year, 20 per cent of the business in the last quarter of FY03 came from linked policies. For the current year, Satwalekar expects that 50 percent of the HDFC Standard's business will come from these products.

In the case of group policies, Birla Sunlife's share was significantly high at 37 per cent while SBI's was higher at 44 per cent.
While it is believed that group policies in general command low margins, Javeri points out that what the company is focusing on is not group term products, which typically offer lower returns, but fund-management products, which earn it management fees in the region of 0.6 to 2 per cent.
Apart from using agents as the main distribution channel, bancassurance seems to be working well, too. For HDFC, which has relationships with four banks, 20 per cent of the business came from this channel while for Birla Sunlife, which has tie-ups with eleven banks, the percentage was at similar levels.
To improve its reach, HDFC will double the number of cities where it is present from 55 to about 100 this year, which will allow it to access to about 500 towns. Birla Sunlife will be in 33 cities by August.
As of today, the capital requirements as laid out by IRDA are linked to solvency rather than risk, though internationally, the risk-based system is more popular.
Satwalekar, however, points out that stiff norms for solvency prescribed at 150 per cent of the risk are needed for an industry still in the nascent stages though this might use up capital that could be otherwise used to grow the business.
While capital might not prove to be a constraint for some players beyond a point unless more capital is infused, growth could slow down. Which is why the FDI limit needs to be raised. Only if the foreign players are allowed to invest further will they feel committed to the venture

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